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Tungsten carbide nozzle

—Is made by the precision machining with the tungsten carbide materials(super-hard alloy).

Ruby nozzle

—The ruby material has the characteristics of extremely hard and wear-resistant.

ceramic nozzle

Ceramic nozzle for thoes customer whom want their product to be accurate. Since ceramic nozzle once hit, can not be reuse.

Motor Nozzle

Made by tungsten carbide

—These kinds of products are widely used in the coil winding of the stators and rotors in Series, cooling fans, micro-motor and the motor industries.


"In pede mi, aliquet sit amet, euismod in,auctor ut, ligula... "

Brad tomson, Top Manager

"Sed ut perspi cianisipol
Erat la cin auctorvorpt felieum iaculisy..."

Mark Adams, Industrial Engineer